2017: REFLECTIONS & RESOLUTIONS | cathhalim.com


As 2017 comes to an end, this post is dedicated to all the great lessons, amazing beings and the moments I've learned this year. 2017 has been my most challenging year in my twenty five years of existence. It has been the greatest year of self-discovery, learning, falling, taking chances and moments beyond what words can describe. Here are some of the most important lessons that I've learned this year that I hope will inspire your 2018.

Never be afraid to take chances.
I learnt that opportunities don't come twice and that if you don't go beyond your comfort zone — you'll never realize what goes on beyond your horizon. The world is a big place, with great adventures and wonderful opportunities only if you want to seek it. There's always a place for dreamers just like you and I. You can only find what you're after for when you start. Don't be afraid of saying yes to new experience that might have never crossed your mind. Step outside of your comfort zone, take chances and let the universe do its magic.

Surround yourself with the dreamers and the do-ers. 
The people you surround yourself with will define the person you end up being or aspire to be. In 2017, I've learnt that not everyone deserves a seat in my life; and that's okay. We grow through life and sometimes, we grow apart. We learn to surround ourselves with people who love you unconditionally, through the good and bad times. Surround yourself with the people who sees the good in you even on the days you can't.

Learn to love yourself, even when you think you can't.
The only way for others to love you is when you learn how to love yourself. In this year of self-learning, I learnt how important it is to be at ease with myself—to accept things for what it is, to react lesser to negative emotions. The greatest gift you can give to yourself is to put yourself as a priority. Don't be apologetic if you're different. Don't feel bad for not being the same as anyone else. Embrace your differences and love yourself for it.

Be kind to people.
You will only reeive when you're willing to give. Life is about balancing giving and taking. Some days you win, some days you lose. I've learnt that the greatest help I've received in my life are from the most unexpected people. Be sincere, genuine and helpful, your vibe will attract your tribe.

Look for the silver lining, and if you don't find it yet; keep seeking.
2017 has been a year full of emotional and mental challenges. My self-doubt and insecurities are so overwhelming that on some days I fail to achieve. Knowing that hurdles in life can be overcomed and positive thinking is a skill that you need to learn and constantly practice.

I hope that wherever you are, 2017 has been kind to you. I hope that 2017 has proved to you that despite the challenges it has thrown to you. Remember that your life is filled with choices — some easy, some painful — but these are the cornerstones that will define who you are.


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